Family-Loved English Labradors
Located in Central Minnesota
About Us
When I was a little girl, my parents moved from the Twin Cities to a little farm in the country. This was a huge lifestyle change for us, but we quickly adjusted and began to thrive on the fresh air and space to run!
We have always been a family of animal-lovers and it was my brother's purchase which led us into this family adventure of raising Labrador puppies. His first yellow Lab, Annie, was an excellent companion dog, so he decided to breed her to continue her lines. She produced such beautiful puppies that my sister and I decided to buy two yellow labs for the same purpose.
It is by God's hand that we have now been able to produce beautiful English Labradors that are excellent family, hunting, and show dogs nationwide, since 2008. Our Labradors live indoors with us which means they are spoiled rotten: They are a part of our family!
Each litter of puppies is born and raised right here in our home where we are able to devote the love and time they need. I am so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom, which gives me the freedom to pour all of my time and energy into both our children and our amazing dogs. We carefully screen each and every one of our labs to ensure that they meet not only our high health standards, but have happy and easy-going personalities as well. We know that both are equally important qualities to have! We specialize in very calm, friendly, and highly trainable puppies that constantly turn heads with their stunning English looks.
We look forward to helping you find the next member of your family.
God's blessings to you!
Aaron, Hannah, Ellie, Silas, and Liam VanHeel